QA Specialist
Job Description
A person in this position performs quality assurance activities in support of SARC’s Quality Assurance department. Visit service provider programs and complete Unannounced Visits and Facility Monitoring visits and reports for various service types, including but not limited to residential care facilities, Family Home Agencies (FHA), Enhanced Behavioral Support Homes (EBSH), Community Crisis Homes (CCH), Adult Residential Facilities for Persons with Special Health Needs (ARFPSHN). Produce Facility Monitoring reports, Unannounced Visit reports, Quality Assurance Reviews, Corrective Action Plans, Immediate Danger Reports, Sanctions, and correspondence, and file material as needed. Coordinate with SARC case management, SARC BCBA team, SARC Health Services Unit to arrange and facilitate EBSH, CCH, and ARFPSHN Quality Assurance Reviews. Coordinate with DDS and lead any reviews with DDS for EBSH/CCH and FHA. Report concerns and issues arising from quality assurance reviews to SARC Directors. Act as the subject matter expert for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule. Facilitate completion of provider HCBS Final Rule self-assessments. Conduct on-site assessments with service providers (averaging 2 to 4 visits per week) in order to provide technical assistance for compliance to the HCBS Final Rule. In cooperation with DDS, determine which programs may qualify for “Heightened Scrutiny” under the HCBS Final Rule. Collaborate with other SARC departments to revise policies, procedures and forms to ensure compliance with the HCBS Final Rule. Attend local and statewide meetings with HCBS counterparts in other Regional Centers to exchange information. Collect, maintain and disseminate data as required regarding all HCBS Final Rule activities to SARC staff and community partners. Maintain a variety of ticklers and listings as required. Responsible for gathering data to compile CAP monthly report for the Program Managers. Maintain a tickler system to ensure that CAPs receive the necessary follow-up and closure. Coordinate visits relating to Quality Assurance and facility monitoring. Excellent customer service to all departments, vendors, and staff. Assist with Special Incident Reports, as needed per Standard and Compliance/Quality Assurance issues. Attend and provide support for relevant meetings, including Mortality, Let’s Talk, Quality Assurance Advisory, Residential and Day program round table, etc. Support special projects, which could include corrective action follow up, quality control issues, unannounced visits designed to monitor quality, etc. Other related job duties as assigned.
Requirements: • BA/BS in Social Work Minimum to twelve months of experience
About the Org
San Andreas Regional Center is a community-based, private nonprofit corporation funded by the State of California to serve people with developmental disabilities as required by the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Act. The Lanterman Act is part of California law that sets out the rights and responsibilities of persons with developmental disabilities. San Andreas is one of 21 regional centers throughout California serving individuals and their families who reside within Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties.